25 Aug

5 Benefits of a Pre-Approval


Posted by: Adam Sale

5 Benefits of a Pre-Approval

  • Shop with Confidence – Be certain how much house you can afford to save you time while shopping!
  • Lock-in a rate for 90-120 days – In the event rates are rising, know you have access to your low locked-in rate. If rates are decreasing, you can to take advantage of the lower rates as well – best of both worlds!
  • Prepared, Prepared, Prepared – Once you’ve been pre-approved lenders will shuffle your file to the top for underwriting once there is a live deal in play. This means your realtor can write a more competitive purchasing offer by decreasing the amount of time for subject removal.
  • Stress-Free Process – provide your mortgage broker with the required documents early during the pre-approval stage, this will keep the home-buying process flowing smoothly.
  • Credit Review – Often a credit report will have an past debt that didn’t drop off the report properly. Discovering these errors early during the pre-approval stage will provide adequate time to take the necessary actions with addressing these errors.
13 Aug

Bank of Canada Reduces the Stress Test to 4.79%


Posted by: Adam Sale

The mortgage stress test lowered today from 4.94% to 4.79%.

After running a quick calculation using:

  • Income of 100k
  • 10% down payment
  • Applicable Vancouver Property taxes
  • Condo fees of $300
  • Heat $50

Maximum purchase price has increased from $537,000 to $552,000.

If this same client used a down-payment of 20% (138K), the maximum amount we could qualify them for using amortization 30 years is a property worth approximately $690,000.

If you would like to more information regarding a potential mortgage situation please give me a call at 778-215-4121.


Adam Sale