29 Jun

How to get the Best Mortgage at Renewal

Mortgage Tips

Posted by: Adam Sale

Did you know you can shop various lenders when you renew your mortgage?

You may be close to completing your first-term or finishing up your 2nd, 3rd or 4th term, but did you know that at your renewal period you can shop other lenders to find a more competitive offer?

The 120-days before your renewal date is when it really pays to do your due diligence and see what’s available on the market.

Did you know about 40% of homeowners take their banks first offer, but this isn’t necessarily the best option, because its in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th terms where banks really make their money. You see, banks understand how their clients operate, they know that most clients would rather pay a higher interest rate then go through the process of switching lenders.

There are many industries that work this way, but none more popular than our favorite phone & internet companies. You’ve probably had this happen to you, you sign up for a 2-year internet package at a great rate and hell they probably threw in a free a tv too! But what happens after that 2-year honeymoon phase, well they jack up the rates. And now when you try to get them to lower the rate they say something like Sorry, we keep those specials for new clients only.

If only there were some sort of internet plan broker to help make switching from one provider to the next a breeze, well unfortunately, I can’t help you with your internet package, but what I can do is help make transitioning from one lender to the next simple, and easy.

When you transfer your mortgage from one lender to another lender you will receive that lenders’ lowest rates available, and often times  lenders will even provide a cash incentive for switching.

So, before you sign that renewal form, come talk to me and lets see if we can find you a better mortgage and some free cash.

I’m Adam Sale Mortgages, and I look forward to helping you grow your wealth!

13 Jun

5% Fixed Mortgage Rates on the Horizon


Posted by: Adam Sale

Fixed Mortgage Rates Continue to Climb

Fixed interest rates keep climbing and they are not showing any signs of slowing down. The bond yield determines the movement of fixed mortgage rates and as you can see from the image below the yield is increasing.

As of last week, we broke through the 3% level and are now charging towards bond yields of 3.60%.

If the bond yield maintains this level throughout the week we will see a sharp increase in mortgage rates by Friday and into next week.

Expect rates to move into the low 5% range across all fixed mortgage products.

The best rates on the market are being offered through credit unions. Credit Unions tend to be slower in increasing their interest rates when compared to the big banks.

Big Banks – TD, Scotia:

  • Insured: 4.84%
  • 3-yr:       4.64% – 4.69%
  • 4-yr:       4.74% – 4.84%
  • 5-yr:       4.84% – 4.99%
  • Variable: Prime – (0.20% – 0.40%)

Credit Unions – Coast Capital & Prospera:

  • Insured: 4.23% – 4.64%
  • 3-yr: 4.33% – 4.59%
  • 4-yr: 4.43% – 4.74%
  • 5-yr: 4.48% – 4.84%
  • Variable: Prime – (0.36% – 0.50%)

Are you thinking about purchasing or renewing your mortgage before October 11, 2022?

You can secure today’s low interest rate for the next 120-days. For more information let’s connect!